Top 7 Tips To Care For Your Invisalign Aligners

February 10, 2023
Top Invisalign Care Tips

Do you have a set of Invisalign braces and are looking to make sure they stay in top condition? Caring for your Invisalign is not too complicated, but following these tips will help prolong the life of your braces and ensure that you get the most out of them.

Invisalign braces are one of the most popular options on the market when it comes to teeth straightening. Not only do they look great, but they are also comfortable and convenient – perfect for those who don’t want traditional metal braces or wires. However, like any other dental device, proper care must be taken to ensure their longevity and effectiveness. That’s why we’ve put together this list of our top 7 tips to care for your Invisalign braces.

7 Tips To Care For Your Invisalign

1. Brush and Floss Regularly

Just like with your natural teeth, it is important to brush and floss your teeth by wearing Invisalign braces twice per day. This will help minimize staining and plaque buildup on the aligners and ensure that they continue to fit properly over time.

2. Clean Your Trays Daily

You should also clean your trays daily with either a toothbrush or a special cleaning solution designed specifically for removable orthodontic devices like Invisalign braces. This will help keep bacteria, food particles, and other debris away from your teeth and gums while wearing them as well as reduce the risk of staining or discoloration.

3. Wear Your Trays for the Recommended Amount of Time

You should always wear your trays as instructed by your orthodontist to ensure that they are effective in straightening your teeth. Not wearing them for the recommended amount of time can cause unnecessary delays in your treatment and could ultimately lead to less-than-ideal results.

4. Keep Them Moist

To keep your Invisalign braces in good shape, make sure you store them in a clean and moist environment such as a cup filled with water when not wearing them. This will help prevent warping or cracking which can occur due to exposure to extreme temperatures or dryness.

5. Avoid Eating with Your Trays On

It is important to take your trays off before eating and drinking anything other than water. This will help minimize staining and discoloration of the aligners as well as reduce the risk of food particles becoming stuck in them.

6. Have Regular Check-Ups

Make sure you visit your orthodontist for regular check-ups to ensure that your Invisalign braces are working properly and that your treatment is on track. This will also give you a chance to ask any questions you may have about caring for them or their effectiveness in straightening your teeth.

7. Wear Good Oral Hygiene Habits

Even if you’re wearing Invisalign braces, it is important to maintain good oral hygiene habits such as brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day. This will help keep your breath fresh and minimize the risk of tooth decay or gum disease while wearing them.


In conclusion, taking proper care of your Invisalign braces is essential to ensure their longevity and effectiveness. Following these 7 tips can help you get the most out of your braces and ensure that they stay in top condition for longer.

3 FAQs

Q1: How often should I clean my trays?

A1: You should clean your trays with either a toothbrush or a special cleaning solution designed specifically for removable orthodontic devices like Invisalign braces each day.

Q2: How often should I visit my orthodontist for a check-up?

A2: You should visit your orthodontist for regular check-ups every 6 to 8 weeks to ensure that your treatment is on track and that your Invisalign braces are working properly.

Q3: Should I wear my trays while eating and drinking?

A3: No, you should take your trays off before eating and drinking anything other than water in order to prevent staining or discoloration of the aligners as well as food particles from getting stuck in them.