Tips To Get The Best Invisalign Results

October 18, 2022
Invisalign tips and tricks

Do you want to straighten your smile? If you feel insecure about your smile and want to correct them discreetly, Invisalign is the best choice for you! Our experts are here to help you through the process of Invisalign. The following are a few tips and tricks to ensure you get the best result from Invisalign.

Tips And Tricks For Wearing Invisalign

  • Keep Your Aligners Clean

As it’s important to brush twice daily, it is also essential to clean your aligners twice every day. Even though you will receive a new set of trays every two weeks, you need to clean them thoroughly. This will prevent staining, bad breath, gum disease, tooth decay, etc. To ensure your aligners are clean, maintain proper oral hygiene by brushing, flossing, etc., to remove food stuck in your teeth, which can cause several dental issues.

Make sure you rinse your aligners every time take them out to reduce bacteria build-up. Don’t use hot or boiling water to clean them; instead, warm water will be just perfect. You should also soak your aligners in cleaning crystals daily and clean them using a soft-bristled toothbrush; however, avoid using toothpaste to clean your aligners. Doing this will help you prevent any dental issues that may prolong the treatment, and you will get the most out of your Invisalign treatment

  • Wear Them For The Full 22 Hours

One of the biggest advantages of Invisalign is that it is removable, which means you don’t have to wear it for years to come. However, these trays are only effective when they are in contact with your teeth, which is why you need to wear these aligners for 20 to 22 hours every day to ensure your treatment is successful. You will receive new trays once every two weeks that will have subtle changes made to straighten your teeth. The Invisalign trays are designed to be worn for 20 hours and failing to do so can cause complications and discomfort during your teeth straightening process.

  • Floss And Brush Your Teeth

As Invisalign trays are removable, you can brush and floss easily just like you normally would. However, it is recommended after every meal or beverage, you brush or rinse your teeth to avoid discoloration, tooth decay, or other dental issues. If you can’t brush or rinse, you can always chew sugar-free gum to remove the bacteria or other food particles from your teeth.

  • Hold On To Your Old Aligners

Many people often throw their old aligners once they receive new ones. However, hold on to each of these aligners in case you lose or damage your new or current aligners. This will reduce the chances of your teeth reverting to their original position. This way, you can protect your progress till you receive your new aligners from the orthodontist. It will also save you from the pain of suddenly jumping to the new trays.

  • Never Eat When Your Aligners Are In

While eating or chewing, your teeth put a lot of force. If you wear your aligners, it will not only be an uncomfortable experience, but it will also damage your aligners causing cracks or stains. You may be tempted to nibble or assume a soft food won’t damage your aligners; however, it will damage your aligners. You should remove your trays every time you eat something. Eating with your aligners will not only damage your aligners, but it will also cause bacteria to build up. It will also trap food in your aligners and cause bad breath. You can only drink water from your aligners. For any other foods and drinks, make sure to remove your aligners.

  • Store The Aligners Properly

Invisalign trays are virtually invisible, and if you remove them there’s a high possibility you might lose them. Therefore, whenever you remove your aligners, you need to be careful with them to avoid misplacing them. Storing or keeping your trays in a napkin or your pocket is a big mistake. One wrong move or forgetfulness and you will lose them forever, which will not only ruin your straightening process but will cost you more to get replacement aligners. Make sure you carry your case to store your aligners. This way the trays will be safe and won’t sustain damage or be accidentally thrown away.

  • Don’t Feel Discouraged

At the beginning of your Invisalign treatment, you might take some time to get adjusted to your new aligners. But don’t feel discouraged or self-conscious, just remember the end goal. You might find difficulty in speaking, following the routine thoroughly, etc. But as soon as you get used to it, you won’t even realize you are wearing your trays.

  • Go To Your Checkups

With Invisalign, you don’t have to visit the dentist frequently to tighten your braces or adjust them weekly. You will also have fewer orthodontic emergencies to deal with, for instance, there won’t be any poking wires, loose brackets or wires, sores, cuts, soft tissue injuries, etc. However, you will still have to visit the orthodontist to receive your new aligners and ensure your treatment is going according to plan. It is essential to visit the dentist to make sure you are on the right track to achieving straighter teeth.

Get The Best Version Of Your Smile With Invisalign

If you want straighter teeth, Invisalign is a good choice. We hope that these Invisalign tips and tricks will help you have a quick and comfortable experience. You can always take the guidance of the best orthodontist in Phoenix, AZ, who will give you the best results from Invisalign.