Complications with Braces: Common Issues and How they can be addressed

April 26, 2023
Complications with Braces: Common Issues and How they can be addressed - Woolaver Orthodontics

A perfect smile with perfectly aligned teeth is a dream for many, but the journey towards achieving it can sometimes come with its own set of challenges. That’s right! We are talking about braces and the complications that may come along with them. While they are an effective solution to misaligned teeth, braces can cause discomfort and even pain at times. But fret not! In this blog post, we’ll explore common issues related to braces and how you can address them while keeping your oral health intact. So let’s dive in!

What are the complications associated with braces?

Braces can cause a variety of complications, some more common than others. One such complication includes tooth decay and gum disease. When braces are worn for an extended period, they tend to trap food particles between the teeth and brackets, leading to plaque buildup that can damage your enamel and gums.

Another issue that arises with braces is soreness or pain. This discomfort is mainly due to the pressure exerted on the teeth as they shift into their new position. However, this pain usually subsides within a few days after adjustment appointments.

In some cases, patients may experience broken or loose wires or brackets. Broken brackets make it challenging to maintain proper oral hygiene since sharp edges can irritate your cheeks and lips.

Those who wear braces need to be careful about what they eat; hard candy, popcorns or chewing gum needs to be avoided at all costs as these items could easily become stuck in between wires and brackets.

It’s essential always to keep up with regular dental check-ups while wearing braces so any possible issues are detected fast before turning into serious health problems.

How can complications be avoided?

Taking care of your braces is essential to avoid any complications. One of the simplest ways to do this is by brushing your teeth thoroughly at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and flossing daily. This will help prevent plaque buildup, which can cause gum inflammation and tooth decay.

Another thing you should watch out for is hard or sticky foods that can damage your braces. Avoid eating things like popcorn, chewing gum, candy, nuts, and ice cubes as much as possible during treatment.

It’s also important to attend all scheduled appointments with your orthodontist so they can monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to keep everything on track.

Wearing a mouthguard if you play sports or engage in other physical activities can also help protect against injury to both the teeth and the braces themselves.

By following these guidelines, you’ll be able to maintain good oral hygiene while keeping your braces in excellent condition throughout the duration of treatment.

What can be done if a complication does occur?

Despite best efforts to avoid complications, they can still occur during orthodontic treatment with braces. If a complication does arise, it is important to address it promptly in order to prevent further damage and ensure successful completion of treatment.

One common complication is discomfort or soreness in the mouth caused by the braces rubbing against the cheeks or gums. To alleviate this, patients can apply orthodontic wax onto the brackets and wires where irritation occurs. Over-the-counter pain relievers may also be taken as directed by a dentist.

Another issue that may arise is broken brackets or wires. If this occurs, patients should contact their orthodontist immediately to schedule an appointment for repair. Attempting to fix broken appliances at home can lead to further damage and prolong treatment time.

In some cases, teeth may not move as expected due to various factors such as genetics or poor compliance with wearing rubber bands or other instructed appliances. In these situations, adjustments will need to be made by an orthodontist who will modify the course of treatment accordingly.

Any complications during brace treatment should be taken seriously and addressed promptly in order for successful results.


Braces are an effective orthodontic treatment that can correct a wide range of dental issues. However, like any medical procedure, there are potential complications associated with wearing braces.

To avoid these complications, it’s important to follow the instructions provided by your orthodontist and maintain good oral hygiene habits throughout your treatment. If you do experience any issues or discomfort while wearing braces, be sure to contact your orthodontist right away for guidance on how to address the problem.

With proper care and attention, most complications related to braces can be avoided or easily addressed. And in the end, patients who complete their orthodontic treatment with successful results will enjoy improved oral health as well as increased confidence in their smile.