Can I Drink Tea and Coffee While Wearing Invisalign?

January 3, 2024
Drink Tea and Coffee with Invisalign

In the dynamic world of orthodontic advancements, Invisalign has emerged as a popular choice for individuals seeking a discreet and flexible teeth-straightening solution. One common question that often arises is whether you can indulge in your favorite beverages like tea and coffee while wearing Invisalign aligners. Let’s explore the guidelines and considerations for sipping these beloved brews while on your Invisalign journey.

The Basics of Invisalign:

Invisalign aligners are transparent, removable trays custom-designed to gradually shift your teeth into the desired position. They offer a level of convenience and aesthetics that traditional braces may not provide. As these aligners need to be worn for a significant portion of the day, it’s natural to wonder about their compatibility with daily habits, especially when it comes to consuming popular drinks like tea and coffee.

Concerns and Considerations:

Staining: Both tea and coffee have the potential to stain your teeth. While this is a concern regardless of orthodontic treatment, it becomes particularly relevant with Invisalign aligners due to their transparency. Stained aligners may become more noticeable and affect the aesthetic appeal.

Temperature: Invisalign aligners are made from a thermoplastic material, and exposure to high temperatures can potentially warp or damage them. Hot beverages like tea and coffee should be consumed with caution, and it’s advisable to let them cool slightly before sipping while wearing the aligners.

Hygiene: Proper oral hygiene is crucial when wearing Invisalign. Drinking tea or coffee with aligners in place may lead to liquid and particles getting trapped between the aligners and your teeth. This can contribute to bacterial growth, potentially leading to cavities or bad breath.

Guidelines for Enjoying Tea and Coffee with Invisalign:

Practice Moderation: While it’s generally acceptable to enjoy tea and coffee with Invisalign, moderation is key. Limit your consumption, especially if you like to sip these beverages throughout the day.

Stay Hydrated with Water: Water is the ideal beverage while wearing Invisalign. It keeps you hydrated, helps rinse away any residue, and doesn’t pose a risk of staining or warping the aligners.

Remove Aligners for Consuming Hot Drinks: To minimize the risk of warping, it’s advisable to remove your Invisalign aligners when consuming hot tea or coffee. This also allows for easier cleaning and prevents staining.

Follow Oral Hygiene Guidelines: Maintain a diligent oral hygiene routine. Brush your teeth before reinserting the aligners after consuming tea or coffee, and clean the aligners as per your orthodontist’s recommendations.


In conclusion, enjoying tea and coffee while wearing Invisalign is possible, but it requires mindful practices to ensure the best results. By practicing moderation, staying hydrated with water, removing aligners for hot drinks, and maintaining excellent oral hygiene, you can continue to savor your favorite beverages on your Invisalign journey. Always consult with your orthodontist for personalized guidance, and let the journey to a straighter smile be as enjoyable as possible.