Top 7 Tips For Caring For Your Braces

December 6, 2022

Whether your braces are made of metal, ceramic, or lingual, you need to know how to take care of them. If you do, taking appropriate care of your braces will make them much more functional and practical, bringing you closer to the smile of your dreams!

Continue reading to learn seven braces care tips.

 Tips For Caring For Braces

  • Choose The Proper Toothpaste And Mouth Rinse

Avoid using whitening toothpaste if you are receiving orthodontic treatment and wearing braces. You’ll get uneven whitening if you use whitening toothpaste when wearing braces because not all of your teeth will be able to get toothpaste. You can always contact your orthodontist if you need clarification about which toothpaste to use.

Instead, pick a fluoride-containing toothpaste, as this is the kind that works the best at preventing cavities. Using a fluoride gel on your teeth daily will help prevent bacteria and is an alternative to picking a toothpaste containing fluoride. Or, when cleaning is complete, you can rinse with a fluoride-containing mouth rinse solution.

  • Brush Your Teeth To Get Rid Of Food And Drink Remnants

You must brush your teeth after every meal because braces prevent food from naturally erupting from your teeth after eating. Food particles can quickly become trapped between braces and teeth. These food fragments interact with the oral bacteria, which can lead to plaque accumulation and tooth decay if you cannot wash your mouth with water.

  • Floss At Least Once A Day

Although dental floss is necessary for maintaining healthy teeth at all times, wearing braces makes it even more crucial. To eliminate food particles sticking to your braces, floss at least once daily. 

Various floss varieties are available, including ones designed to fit around wires and orthodontic appliances. And even though it might take a little longer to floss your teeth with braces, remember how crucial frequent flossing is for your oral health. Your braces may make your gum inflammation worse if you have poor dental care on your part.

  • Use An Irrigator

You can use an oral irrigator to clear your mouth of excess bacteria and food particles. Using a brush, you can remove food particles, bacteria, and plaque from your teeth, gums, and braces by applying a reasonable amount of pressure to the water irrigator’s tank. 

This tool is an easy way to boost your dental care rather than skipping brushing and flossing. Depending on your orthodontist’s recommendations, you might only need to deep clean your teeth once a week with an oral irrigator.

  • Choose Your Diet Carefully

Despite your desire for sticky or crunchy meals, stay away from them. Sticky treats have the potential to harm your braces’ wires. Ideally, you should avoid sticky foods like caramel and toffee that could become stuck in your braces.

Hard foods like nuts, popcorn, and candy risk breaking or losing your braces. As long as you cut up some of the more complicated things, such as raw fruits and vegetables, you can still eat them. You shouldn’t bite into an apple because it would harm your braces. If you want to munch on an apple, cut it into pieces beforehand. 

  • See Your Orthodontist For Preventative Care

All of these braces will be fitted for you by an orthodontist, who will assist in straightening your teeth. Keep all appointments with the orthodontist’s office, and if missed you must reschedule for any reason, make sure to do so as soon as possible rather than delaying the new date by a few weeks or months. Missing appointments frequently will lengthen the time you’ll need to wear braces and may even prevent you from developing a stunning, flawlessly straight smile.

  • Overall Care For Metal Braces

Braces care is essential to a successful orthodontic treatment. Don’t let the braces’ wires stop you from brushing your teeth and gums properly. You can achieve your best smile with a regular cleaning schedule and an eating strategy suitable for people with braces.

Contact Us Today In Phoenix 

Even after learning how beneficial it is to practice excellent oral hygiene at home and brush your teeth while wearing braces. You’ll understand if you have any bent or broken braces and know when you can fix them. You should see your orthodontist frequently for adjustments and examinations. 

The experts of Woolaver Orthodontics in Phoenix can determine whether you’re brushing effectively enough and susceptible to gingivitis or cavities. Contact us today to find out how orthodontics can give you the happiest smile!